Coming soon.
Camp 54
Yaaargh! Hoist th’ black flag and raise yer saber, thar be pirates guardin this camp. Hosting tha one and only PIRATE HAPPY HOUR, bring yer wenches and grab some grog an come join the lost pirates of Camp 54 in revelry.
URL: damonish@gmail.comHometown: Lawrence, KSCamp Armageddon
Camp Armageddon is Bay Area Camp that comes together every year to build, dress up and celebrate free expression – don’t be alarmed if you hear anyone of us yelling out ‘Armageddon!’. It’s not the end of the world silly, it’s our camp call!
URL: http://www.camparmageddon.comContact: home@camparmageddon.comHometown: Mill Valley, CACamp Blank
“Step riiiight up!” A once-in-a-lifetime chance to witness a stupendous array of secret talents by the most extraordinary people on the planet, who have risked dismemberment, death and humiliation to bring you a head-exploding, karma-resistant extravaganza.
Contact: patrickenichols@gmail.comHometown: Cambridge, MACamp Carribean
Camp Carribean is about Carribean music, community, culture and the welcoming of everyone to sit, relax, and chat. We honor diversity, spiritual growth and evolution. and LOVE.
Contact: evoneg@yahoo.comHometown: San Francisco, CACamp Chippatooth
Flags of our Burners is a chance for people to design and paint their own version of the American Flag. How would you depict your graphic vision of America? In addition we plan to collect data on what people did with their economnic stimulus checks and send it to the White House and Congress.
Contact: mitzroc@aol.comHometown: Aspen, COCamp CONTACT
We are dedicated to the physical exploration of bodies in contact, AKA the art of Contact Improvisation. We offer daily workshops for all levels (Fundamentals of Contact plus more advanced classes) as well as hosting the morning contact jam in Center Camp.
URL: burningcontact@gmail.comHometown: San Francisco, CACamp Dustification
Come one come all to get your dust mask for the major daytime event, yep you guessed it the dust storm. Stop by Camp Dustification to decorate your memorable dust mask. We will have a disposable dust mask for anyone who wants one. And one special adornment of a stamp with the almighty Burning man!
Contact: tinkereese13@hotmail.comHometown: Sun Valley, NVCamp Fishy
Hello All, After another successful year, and with much pleading, we are back. Camp Fishy always says yes!!
Contact: pfishthe6th@yahoo.comHometown: San Francisco, CACamp Gallavant
Ahoy, we’re The Pirates Of The Playa (infamous creators of the Mutant Vehicle, USS Nevada). We love to Gallavant across the playa spreading fun and adventure wherever we go! Visit us at Redirection Connection Village, the new "Loading Station" for the "Official Public Transit System" of BRC!
URL: http://neworleans.servebeer.comContact: RICKSAX1@aol.comHometown: Sparks, NVCamp Green Zone
Camping for working journalists.
URL: http://campgreenzone.comContact: randyrmiler@gmail.comHometown: Reno , NVCamp Hanging Chad
Camp Hanging Chad is the Black Rock City Polling place. The camp will be outfitted with an official voting machine, polls open all hours for the election of the "village idiot". Camp Hanging Chad will also provide stripper poles (candidates required to dance).
Contact: szideck@tmcc.eduHometown: Reno, NVCamp Here
URL: http:// huber@paradoxical.netHometown: Somerville, MACamp Herring 1:1 Scale
Camp Herring is back in town bigger than ever (1:1 Scale) This time we have more and bigger fish. If you want to experience Norwegian language barriers and chaos at it’s best Dress properly and pay us a visit. Uh… No Nudity.
URL: http://www.campherring.comContact: elwire@gmail.comHometown: Oslo, N/Acamp hookup
Camp Hookup is comprised of a random crew, from nurses to mechanics, environmentals to artists, boarders to bikers and other assorted interesting characters. Our playa mission is to hook you up, armed with our hookup cases and their seemingly infinite capacity we are equipped to take care of you.
URL: http://www.camphookup.comContact: barbarademman@msn.comHometown: Playa Del Rey, CACamp I Am
Camp I Am is home to the Panoramic Photo Wall which has been on the Esplanade since 2000, live bands
URL: falk@efalk.orgHometown: Mountain View, CACamp Incendiary Nation
This year, come live in C.I.N. and the members of Arizona’s Stage6Productions! Camp Incendiary Nation, with a Full bar, Nightly Fire Performances and Open Spin Jam with daily Fire Performance Workshops,music, DJ’s and other live performances.
URL: s_t_3@cox.netHometown: Phoenix, AZCamp Insex
Camp Insex is here to share the love of all arthropods with the people. Stop by and ask any burning questions you have of the spineless and chitin encased -share tattoos, stories, anecdotes, fables, jokes etc.
URL: Aaronious01@gmail.comHometown: Ft. Collins, COCamp Jello Shot
Camp Jello Shot– Bringing you cool refreshments and cooler music since 2001.
URL: chicago_todd@lycos.comHometown: Reno, NVCamp Klepto
The original Kamp Klepto was conceived on the playa during "Floating World". 5 guys, 1 tarp, 2 turntables, 3 sticks of wood, 1 generator and a lot of vodka. As we started to build others started to donate and camp klepto was born! 7 years later we are still going strong!
URL: ghofwegen@hotmail.comHometown: San Francisco, CACamp Little Bitty
Are you feeling little at Burning Man this year? Come feel big again amongst our Faerie Village! Walk through our little bitty houses that have all been hand made from all over the country.
Contact: bouncingbutterfly@gmail.comHometown: Santa Cruz, CACamp MahnaMahna
Camp MahnaMahna (mahna mahna(ba dee bedebe)mahna mahna(ba debe dee)Mahna Mahna!(ba dee bedebe bedebe badebe debe de-de de-de-de) The bike in, walk in, crawl in, dance theater presenting different features nightly. A desertized, dusty revamp of the Americana drive-in theater.
Contact: mhennig@projects.sdsu.eduHometown: San Diego , CACamp Make Good Choices
To maintain the American dream in BRC we must make good choices. There are only 168 hours of playa time. In the comfort of our chill dome we will help you decide whether to take an art car to the temple or bike ride to the DEEP END. Hang in our chill dome, have a drink, and listen to our sage advice.
Contact: ckeller@cableone.netHometown: Boise, IDCamp Montage
Camp Montage uses ‘Art’ to document ‘Art’, creating original works of ‘montage’ art from the digital images of talented Burning Man photographers. At our Black Rock City art gallery we display over 50 large prints and numerous backlit montages, featuring art photographed on the playa from 2005-2007
URL: http://www.campmontage.comContact: xcellar@sbcglobal.netHometown: San Francisco, CACamp No Evil
We live, love, and laugh together. Learn to leave your trace on one another, not on the Playa. This is how we live forever.
Contact: wilderzax@hotmail.comHometown: Baldwin, NYCamp Nomadia
Camp Nomadia is home to nomads, wanna-be nomads, part time nomads, domestic nomads, international nomads, technomads, lowtechnomads, former nomads, land nomads, ocean cruising nomads, friends of nomads, etc… Come learn about nomadism, and join us for giant Settlers of Catan and Nomadic Happy Hour.
URL: http://forum.technomads.netContact: chris@radven.netHometown: Madison, SDCamp Questionmark (CAMP?)
CAMP? is the place where questions come to sit and marinate. We believe that questioning stimulates critical thinking, and alternative ways of looking at things. We invite you to come and feed your answers to our hungry questions, and maybe even leave some questions of your own! ?UESTION EVERYTHING!
URL: freedomandtse@yahoo.comHometown: San Jose, CACamp rEVOLution
Bringing the rEVOLution of Nor-Cal to the American Dream. A place where sharing the LOVE is promoted and embraced!
Contact: hypernationprod@yahoo.comHometown: Grass Valley, CACamp Shrunken Heads
Camp Shrunken Heads is back. We will be making heads, decorating thems and such. We will again have lots of stencils for tees and such. Also, new this year is a geodesic dome held together by bvungee cords and carabeeners. Inside of it will be a tropical rainforest of silk flowers and pool.
Contact: campshrunkenheads@yahoo.comHometown: Oakland, CACamp Spectacular
After many burns these spactacular souls have banded together to exemplify their version of the american dream. Drop in to cool out from the heat.
Contact: bradgural@yahoo.comHometown: New York, NYCamp Stella
Camp Stella is a Burning Man theme camp of diverse queer and queer friendly folks who have agreed to experience Burning Man clean and sober for the duration of the event. Some of us are active in AA and other 12 step programs. Others are not. Camp Stella hosts open AA meetings during the week.
URL: wbicknell@gmail.comHometown: San Francisco, CACamp Tramp Stamp
Camp Tramp Stamp offers artful body stamps as our signature emblem.We are sharing our American Dream with a party deck for entertaining guests with refreshing beverages and some welcomed shade while encouraging others to bring positive energy to our deck (including a wedding!!).
URL: http://www.trampstampcamp.comContact: becky@mildbuzz.comHometown: Belmont, CACamp Unofficial
Camp Unofficial is aiming to return to the 3:00 plaza to make Snow Cones and dispense guidance and counsel. Courtesy of our new snow cone maker, we will be serving SUPER-SIZED portions of the American Dream — as long as your dream consists of ice, sugar and cheap booze! We will also be offering a full array of GUIDE SERVICES and information. "The Customer is Always Right, Unless You Are TOTALLY Wrong!" — that’s been our motto for over two years of award-winning customer service. This year, our guides will be VERY helpful! We promise. All our guidance is FREE and 100% ACCURATE (void where prohibited).
Contact: n_c_9@yahoo.comHometown: New York, NYCamp Upsie-Dasium
Camp Upsie-Dasium is an international venture that will provide a gallery for art and artists, and a space expression and activities. Come enjoy all this and more as you relax in our large public shade structure. Refreshments and art supplies provided. All models and artists welcome.
URL: sfitinghoff@cornerstoneearth.comHometown: Cupertino, Ca, CACamp World B Free
A learning annex gone mad. A communal headquarters for gleeful chaos & construction. Outlaws from all lands converge to teach, heal and play… oh how we play. Yoga at Sunset, improv classes daily & laughter and punching light in the darkness through bright spirits & public theater all week long.
URL: shin_fain@yahoo.comHometown: Los Angeles, CACamp... in Bed / Philthy Sanchez
Camp … in Bed: a sweet and spicy spot where you will find a group of Epicurean freaks who will spice up your days with their killer hot salsa, chill your afternoons with ice cold beer, and sweeten your nights with custom fortune cookies. Come and meet the infamous Philthy Sanchez in the flesh!
URL: phurvitz@u.washington.eduHometown: Seattle, WACampo Alegre
Step into our oasis in the desert our * Shadow Box * We make it easy for you to express your true selves in a comfortable, intimate area of mutual respect and expression. Expressions will become a shadow play for others as the soft interior light projects your movements on the outside of the tent.
URL: http://www.campoalegre.orgContact: xxjefe@gmail.comHometown: Chicago, ILCanadian Wet Dream
Come join our Crazy Queer Canucks bringing the Canadian dream of street hockey (and hooping) to your local Neighborhood. Mullets, Hockey sticks (hoops)and nets provided for A Good Ol’ Street Hockey Game.
Contact: aliandbrian@mac.comHometown: Abbotsford, BCCarbofuckination
Black Rock Brewing is back! Come enjoy a cold one on the Playa with us!
Contact: kyle.marx@gmail.comHometown: Eugene, ORCarbon Dioxide
We are a bunch of punk technical artists from around the SouthWest, organized around the theme of our precious waste gas, CO2, only slightly ironically. We individually and collectively produce works of art, community organizing, cultural events, with punk DIY, mutual aid aesthetic.
URL: http://www.carbondioxidecamp.comContact: tomj@wps.comHometown: Los Angeles, CACarny Camp
Carny’s Unite! All you rubes out there come try your hand at real Carny games. Our bone yard is most welcoming and the roots don’t get no deeper than our clan. Bring all your kin folk too.
URL: carnycamp@gmail.comHometown: Pikeville, KYCartoon Commune
Cartoon Commune is a haven for all cartoon lovers, cartoon makers, and anyone that lives in a cartoon. We will be hosting cartooning classes, a chili giveaway, and our Happy Happy Joy Joy Hour for our fellow Ren and Stimpy fans.
Contact: dfleischmann@juno.comHometown: Fountain Valley, CACastra Roto Thema Thematis-C.R.T.T
We provide 24-hour entertainment with themes changing daily and/or hourly. Join us for Candy or a Spanking, Drunken Pirate Sno-cone Day, Auditory Harassment, share your dreams on Ameridome, and hang with Paris in the Snyde Lounge. We keep it fun and funky with performance, music, Art & Good Company
Contact: alexamonkey@hotmail.comHometown: Northridge, CACave of the Echo People a` Trois
Cave of the Echo People are a band of nomads who exist to enhance the American open arms experience of the playa. "Kiddies will enjoy playa ‘games under the guise of "Hell Yes! We’re Open". Bask in the sights and sounds of Reflection… enjoy the comfort of the Cave.
URL: ericj@saturnnet.comHometown: Reno, NVCelestial Bodies
Let Freedom Ring – Come free yourself in our lounge bar, enjoy one of our famous Playa Cosmo, kick back and relax. Join the BRC American Scream showcasing singers, dancers, and other performers. Come walk in our Freedom Bell Garden and join us for the Miss UnAmerican Pageant and parade.
URL: (currently under construction)Contact: srdrew@sbcglobal.netHometown: San Francisco, CACheese Bag Pipe
Celebrating the diversity of the American experience, by sharing delicious quesadillas and live bagpipe music. We encourage anyone, with any talent, (no matter how mediocre) to come and express themselves, we will supply an audience, or possibly just ignore you.
Contact: papertiger@comcast.netHometown: Deep River, DCChop Shop
Chop Shop is a small Playa Neighborhood Garage that is ready to help all modes of playa transportation with parts,repair,and advice. While you visit our shop, Please enjoy our Shade Oasis, Daily Chop Shop Specials and service with a smile.
Contact: artbylacey@hotmail.comHometown: Flagstaff, AZChorus of Dreams
Chorus of Dreams is a dance theater performance in two acts. Using the surreal mind-bending visuals of blacklight theater, and live music, archetypes of American history and identity are, re-fashioned, made new from the accidental detritus of the 21st century into the plowshares of a hopeful vision.
URL: http://www.chorusofdreams.comContact: infinitenasty@gmail.comHometown: Asheville, NCChurch of the Pink Sock
Church of the Pink Sock – We specialize in Matrimony, Counseling, Communion, Cattle-calling, and Craps. No Money Down!!!!! Low Apr!!!! Financing Available to those who Qualify. Salvation Guaranteed, or your soul back! Tiki-Bar serving the Pink Sock Special Open Daily! Take-out only!! No Delivery
URL: patrick.patterson@yahoo.comHometown: Brooklyn, NYCircus Boot Camp
Come earn your clown nose by participating in Circus Boot Camp! We’ll teach you to juggle, unicycle, hoop, slack line, trapeze, crack a whip and other circus-inspired arts.
URL: thornpanis@gmail.comHometown: Emeryville, CACircus Maximus
The Circus Maximus (Latin for greatest circus) is an ancient hippodrome and mass entertainment venue formerly located in Rome and recently relocated to the Playa. Come join us for the new bacchanalia.
URL: http://www.circusmaximusburns.comContact: sacahill@yahoo.comHometown: Sausalito, CACirque de Flambe
Cirque de Flambe, born on the plays, dying on the playa. No other place in the world now, will let the Cirque light up your eyes. Finally last show, Wednesday, August 27th at 10 PM. Scorched earth policy in effect for all audience members, bring eye protection for front row seating on playa.
Contact: maque@drizzle.comHometown: Seattle, WACitizen Earth
We are not only Citizens of the US, We are Citizen Earth. The Earth and Sun provide this tea party with the sun tea of the day, fresh cookies baked daily in our solar ovens and by night solar charged batteries illuminate the mushrooms, trees and pillows in this comfy wonderland called Earth.
URL: sierra_kink@yahoo.comHometown: Las Vegas, NVClan Destiny
Clan Destiny is the Meta Love Zone of Tribal Family and Temple of YES Community based in Santa Cruz, Bay Area and Beyond! Come join us for Sacred Pipe Ceremony, Sound Healing, Kirtan Spontaneous Acoustic Music, Green Technologies, Sharing, Friends, and Zen Fire Garden Meditations and Play.
URL: angela@angelablessing.comHometown: Santa Cruz, CAClevian Circularity
Clevian Circularity (since 1998) has connected people from Wisconsin to Burning man. Home of Playa Speed Dating every night!
Contact: eric@clevian.comHometown: Milwaukee, WIClub Verboten
Club Verboten returns to serve the Popular Masses with retro electronica,some Gorilla Zoe and friends new electronica and a new mid-week afternoon program for those who know us only for Saturday nights.
Contact: thunter885@aol.comHometown: Reno, NVCoffee Zombies
Bleary-eyed and zombified from yesterday’s adventures? Come feel the love with us, Portland’s Coffee Zombies, as we animate you, the walking dead.
URL: admin@coffeezombies.orgHometown: Gresham, ORCohesion
Drop by Cohesion for a drink at the Really Good Bar, a round of bowling at Balls of Justice, or just waste time at Procrastination Station. Also look for answers to your questions at the Temple of Bill Hicks. If you are lucky you may show up in time to see some live music too.
URL: http://www.campcohesion.comContact: techknowshaman@gmail.comHometown: Costa Mesa, CAComfort & Joy
Restore your body and lift your spirits at Comfort & Joy, a gay community center & faggot oasis that offers daily events including yoga classes, discussion groups, skill building workshops and outrageous performances every night.
URL: http://www.playajoy.orgContact: kitten@playajoy.orgHometown: San Francisco, CAConcentration Camp
The most mind stimulating bar on the playa. With an observation tower to see over the playa and a huge shade structure to stay out of the sun we welcome all to come play a game of chess, stare at a magic eye poster, or solve riddles for drinks! crazy concentration contests all week long.
Contact: Threesix0productions@yahoo.comHometown: Tumwater, WAConexus Radiance Factory
The Conexus Radiance Factory manufactures and distributes environmentally friendly LED lighting for BM art installations. These are small but powerful rechargeable-battery-powered RGB LED lights which can generate any color lighting under user control. Swing by and pick up your LuminArt Light today!
URL: http://www.conexusvillage.orgContact: burningman@rudytan.netHometown: Santa Clara, CAConsensual Art Camp
Ever wonder what would happen if a large group of people merged their creativity to produce miraculous pieces of artwork. Wonder no more, just stop by and see what comes into being. Bring your creativity and become part of the process. (If you lack an imagination one may be provided for you)
Contact: jpj@jordandesigns.comHometown: Carmichael, CAContraptionists
Contraptonists is a quiet place to pause in our shady, cool, and comfortable Nebula lounge and have a snow cone or maybe a smoothie if you time it right, before participating in a game of Naked Misting Twister in our misted shade tent, no clothes or spectators allowed. sox optional
URL: http://www.contraptionists.comContact: dsdorr@yahoo.comHometown: Boulder, COCool Aid Oasis
Come get COOL with us during the hottest part of the day! AID yourself with one of our delicious treats; Shaved Ice, chilled fruit, cold drinks await you in our OASIS. Enjoy be misted by one of our friends while sipping on that drink. Maybe you have a drum or a guitar, maybe your voice is waiting to be heard; chill with us and share what you have to offer while enjoying good company.
Contact: kay_jay_pdx@yahoo.comHometown: Portland, ORCoolimator
The Coolimator, where you can get out of the heat into a moist chilled room of moving air and lounge in artic bliss. Open to everybody 24-7.
Contact: hover6@msn.comHometown: Oreana, IDCoolTown
An oasis in the desert, open while it’s sunny out. CoolTown is a fully misted community shade structure to chill, rest, relax, and socialize or use our self service misting station. We have body/hair rinsing mornings and afternoons. Occasionally, snow cones are served from the giant penguin that lives here.
Contact: gary.logan@hp.comHometown: Orangevale, CACosmic Giggle
Cosmic Giggle presents: Muscle Tea. Come get your burn on at our Muscle Tea crossfit gym. Participate in the workout of the day or cheer others on while enjoying tea at our Muscle Tea lounge. Feel the Burn!
Contact: vldyer@gmail.comHometown: San Francisco, CACosmic Recess
Cosmic Recess is a playAground with a space theme. Our playAground elements consist of (but not limited to) Barbitar-the fortune telling drama queen; The Sun-Shrine (A recycled 23′ art installation & eye candy sculpture); Uranus 4 square; Mars tetherball and the Black Hole full sized Bowling Alley!
Contact: stevie@funkluster.comHometown: Sandy, UTCostco Soulmate Trading Outlet
Find your soulmate at the Costco Soulmate Trading Outlet. Drop by, fill out a questionnaire, talk with our friendly staff and enjoy a drink at our bar. Come back the next day to discover your soulmate and journey off to find your new friend out there on the playa!
URL: espressobuzz@yahoo.comHometown: Bellevue, WACouchSurfing Camp
A space where the weary, wild and wondrous travelers are always welcome. Generosity and a shared world vision is the fundamental nature of couchsurfers. This camp is about "CouchSurfing" around the world and we are all members of the Project; Come sit, enjoy and surf the mutant sofa!
URL: http://CouchSurfingCamp.comContact: Admin@CouchSurfingCamp.comHometown: Mutant Sofa, Black Rock City, NVCougar Melon Camp
Come get your fix of two great American institutions, cougars and melons. Grab a refreshing slice at our Smalltown Plaza, along with an all-American dose of your favorite addictions–church, TV, and cars–all with that Black Rock City twist.
Contact: snaylor@ucsf.eduHometown: San Francisco, CACrane Camp
Crane camp, deep Playa equipment yard.
Contact: richard@burningman.comHometown: Burning Man Office, CACrazy Horse
Hommage to the horse. Come down and rock on one of our horses or have a drink at the Corral Bar or Explore the Tipi Lodge of Chiefs. Home of the Pyramix, 30 foot rolling Pyramid with lit dance floors. Gumbo for our friends, rides on the Pyramix and lots of music, thats our American Dream.
URL: http://CampCrazyHorse.orgContact: leehain@yahoo.comHometown: Agoura Hills, CACrown Collective
Crown Collective: Home port for the mystical Krewe of the Lady Sassafrass, the Playa’s own magical Mississippi Paddlewheeler. Sailings to embark constantly and without notice, with entertainment sporadically provided by Louisiana’s own legendary Shaman of the blues, Coco Robicheaux. Yeah, you right.
Contact: kitekiwi@msn.comHometown: New Orleans, LACurch of Chill
A chill place to sooth your mind, improve your mood, and get your groove.
Contact: zaperkins@gmail.comHometown: Portland, ORCyphertown Village
Cyphertown is the gathering place for Hip Hop Artists and Enthusiasts on the Playa! With an emphasis on Live Art, Cyphertown features MCs, Dancers, Graff Writers, Poets, Live Loopers, DJs, and Acoustic Musicians. Cyphertown will be offering Racial Healing Workshops and other chances to Participate.
URL: cyphertown@gmail.comHometown: Oakland, CA