Coming soon.
K-Svert 106.5FM radio
K-Svert 106.5 FM provides the good citizens of Black Rock City a voice, a venue, an outlet for creativity in the form of not only radio waves, but also a professional quality performance stage that is open to any and all who wish to share their talents with the masses. K-Svert is your spot on the radio dial to keep in touch with the happenings in our fair city. At night the stage comes alive with performance, shadow dancing, artistic visuals and spectacle. A feast for the eyes and ears! Located on the Esplanade, look for the 50 foot broadcast tower.
URL: http://www.k-svert.comContact: maquino@ihot.comHometown: Sunnyvale, CAK-Svert 106.5FM Radio & Stage
K-Svert 106.5 FM provides the good citizens of Black Rock City a voice, a venue, an outlet for creativity in the form of not only radio waves, but also a professional quality performance stage that is open to any and all who wish to share their talents with the good citizens of Black Rock City.
URL: http://www.k-svert.comContact: maquino@ihot.comHometown: Sunnyvale, CAKa Pilina
Ka Pilina is the Hawaii Regional Camp. Come here if you’re a Hawaii Burner, or want to know Hawaii Burners! Potluck luau on Friday.
URL: http://www.kapilina.orgContact: sethlahne@gmail.comHometown: Honolulu, HIKamp Kammaniwannalaya
Kamp Kammaniwannalaya is a loose knit group of simple minded individuals focused on remedial social flatuance. The use of any humor to exploit and degrade any humans is religiously tolerated and supported.
Contact: slt_ppy_@hdo.netHometown: Alturas, CAKamp Suckie Fuckaye
Welcome to Kamp Suckie Fuckaye! Official home to the Garnish Fire Conclave! Drink Water! Vote Neptune for Mayor! Suckiiiee Fuckiieeeee!!!!
URL: http://www.garnishfire.comContact: davidwilsonlives@hotmail.comHometown: Los Angeles, CAKaos
Kaos is the possibility; the random events that make the future unexpected. When ever Kaos strikes – you can thank us.
URL: thohne@gmail.comHometown: Brighton, MAKegel Kamp and Jewelry Exchange
Exercise your PCs! Try the KegelBlaster! Compete for valuable bragging rights! Exchange a piece of jewelry!
Contact: dwhedges@hotmail.comHometown: San Jose, CAKentucky Fried Camp
Kentucky has global recognition for a certain Kentucky Fried food franchise. When it comes to BEING FRIED nobody does it better than this camp of Kentuckians. We say the other KFC is a bunch of baloney. Come join us every day from 9-11 for a good old fried baloney sandwich (our Black Rock version is actually smoked and pretty tasty) and a shot of bourbon to help you kick off your day the Kentucky Fried way.
Contact: tiggertoo1@mac.comHometown: Lexington, KYKidsVille
KidsVille is THE place for children of all ages. We are a group of diverse families creating a unique space for play and other activities. Families with children 0-17 years of age are welcome to camp with us if they are pre-registered. Please note: KidsVille is NOT a babysitting service. Families who wish to camp within Kidsville need to register no later than August 1, 2008. Please contact us via email for registration and village info.
Thank You!
Lora Green, Kidsville Mayor 2008
Kimchee Camp
Heard of kimchee? How about kombucha? Kimchee is a korean dish similar to sauerkraut but much better tasting and smelling, and kombucha is a drink. Both aid in digestion by adding beneficial bacteria to our bellies. Come visit us for a DIY guide to making your own and maybe sample some if you dare!
Contact: producebuyer@hotmail.comHometown: Vancouver, BCKinetic Sculpture Racing Camp
Kinetic Sculpture Racing is a human-powered Sport/Hobby/Art-Form where we build mutant vehicles that run on both land and water, and we race them for the fun of it. Generally, we give rides at our camp during the day, and all over the Playa at night.
URL: http://kinetickingdom.comContact: elliotsnaess@msn.comHometown: Clearlake, CAKing Of America
The King Of America, benevolent and wisde, has made his way back to Black Rock City and he wants you to enjoy yourself. At the Castle people will show the King what Talents they have and receive a token of His appreciation. Policies will be proclaimed, colonies built. Hail the King of America
URL: decognito@bellsouth.netHometown: New Orleans, LAKingdom of Loafington
His Laziness the King and Her SafeTness the Queen rule the Realm with Benign Neglect and promote the Noble Pursuit of Idle Pleasures. The Holy Knights of Loafington are pledged to protect Weary Pilgrims who may seek Safe Refuge from the Playa, become Loyal Subjects, and gain Initiation into the Higher Orders.
URL: http://www.loafington.wordpress.comContact: marxaos@earthlink.netHometown: Monroe, WAkinkos postcards
kink-os postcards, a place to have your photograph taken, in the form of a postcard, ready to send to anyone, anywhere.
Contact: troutcosto@hotmail.comHometown: Cave Junction, ORKit's Birthday Burners
Are you a New Year’s Baby, born Sept. 1? Come celebrate my 60th at the Birthday Burner Bash on Friday.
Contact: kitsnyder@yahoo.comHometown: Carmichael, CAKostume Kult
In NYrvana Village, we present “KKoney Island” in a fantastical reimagining of this legendary Brooklyn neighborhood. Come by for transformations in our daytime costume dome & round-the-clock absurdity. To recycle costume supplies please contact us. *Costuming the Naked -with your help- Since 2000*
URL: http://www.KostumeKult.comContact: costumejim@gmail.comHometown: Brooklyn, NYKroanesian Empire
The Kroanesian Empire welcomes your camp as our newest colony! Though we will conquer you mercilessly, our funny hats will endear you to your new leaders. Learn about BRC’s supreme dynasty, and swear fealty to the emperor. The march will go on, you will submit, and there will be MANY pretty flags!
URL: enmiles@gmail.comHometown: Cambridge, MAKung Fu Sock Monkey
Kung Fu means art! We are a Seattle and Detroit-based camp that holds martial arts classes, open sparring, and sock monkey making workshops. Now recruiting humans and their sock monkey minions for the Invincible Flying Arial Attack, led by our mascot the Chop Socky Monkey.
URL: jefflawshe@gmail.comHometown: Seattle, WA