Coming soon.
Hammock Hangout
Giant passive solar parachute structure, with 42′ log as center poll and room for 90 hammocks. Come day or night to socialize and relax, occasional impromptu parties, wedding, roving bar and other random chaos. This is one of the larger structures on the playa!
URL: http://thehammockhangout.comContact: 2008@thehammockhangout.comHometown: San Francisco, CAHang-Out
A Hammock a philosophy. We have a hammock for every occasion: Hammocks for chatting, napping, boozin’ it up and few to better know our fellow voyagers. Come see the Satyr for a deluxe tour of the Cave and reset your mind and body. Space-devils, lost souls, and warm bodies welcome, day or night.
Contact: me_inc@hotmail.comHometown: Chico, CAHarbor of Lost Souls aka W.Y. Camp
A place of refuge for the Conscious Monkey Clan and other nomadic mountain deviants, home to the soulful pillagers and crew of the notorious Madame Astrolabe. A community of fiercely self-sufficient revelers ethereally united to worship the natural world.
Contact: snowymonkey@gmail.comHometown: Jackson Hole, WYHardly Davidson Cafe
The Chopper is one of the few truly American art forms. Choppers represent the freedom of Americans to travel wherever and however they like. A the Hardly Davidson Cafe we will be building choppers for all the cool people. Come drop off our loser-geek bicycle and trade it for a chopper.
Contact: john@fusiontechnology.comHometown: Mountain View, CAHavana Vieja
A taste of Old Havana on the playa. Relaxing grooves and refreshing cocktails all afternoon.
Contact: jason_milam@hotmail.comHometown: San Francisco, CAHeadCount
HeadCount is a non-partisan, not-for-profit organization devoted to voter registration and participation in democracy. We were created in 2004 by a group of artists, music industry professionals and fans, all determined to make sure the live music community is well-represented at the polls.
URL: http://www.headcount.orgContact: sarahd@headcount.orgHometown: Park City, UTHeaven's Ghetto
Humble, but Heavenly, Heaven’s Ghetto is a low-frills way to get close to God. The Original Teeter Totter of Death, will encourage joy and prayer. Graffitti walls can be painted on, or you may chill in our chill dome.
URL: emilio_de_la_playa@yahoo.comHometown: Irvine, CAHedonic Sensuous Massage
Your ultimate pleasure is receiving a sensual spritz shower and sponge bath followed by lustful, arousing massage. Several male and female luxury-loving massage therapists serve your every desire. An etherereal experience under 40 x 60 tent with gentle breezes, tranquil music, melodious waterfall.
Contact: slshp@hotmail.comHometown: Reno, NVHeeBeeGeeBee Healers
HeeBeeGeeBee Healers is a grounded oasis that creates a nurturing environment and provides healing services for Black Rock City. We are open every day, offering all forms of bodywork and alternative healing including Shamanism, energy medicine, Tantra, emotional processes and many others.
URL: http://www.heebeegeebeehealers.orgContact: scooter80302@yahoo.comHometown: Boulder, COHigh Strung
Our cups are running over, now its time to fill yours. Bask in our shaded hammocks, our incessant prattling and tom-foolery. Bask until the nap we have kept you from finally creeps in. Enjoy our timber frame style architecture, swings, chin up bar, cold beer. Space is limited but the shade is 100%.
Contact: thadeus@blackrockcarpentry.comHometown: Portland, ORHippocampus
Hippocampus is your home on the playa for making connections and making memories. It’s that part of your brain silly. Hippocampers share a common bond of sexiness and helpfulness.
Contact: harleysitner@yahoo.comHometown: Seattle, WAHistorical Marker #65
Visit this landmark of a doomed American dream. Ghosts of the lost Doppler Party may haunt the relics here, but visitors are welcome. Drink up at the ol’ saloon’s daily happy hours, get hitched by the Justice of the Peace and leave with a love brand, or wind up in jail for a proper switchin’.
Contact: blisssf@hotmail.comHometown: San Francisco, CAHokey Pokey Sunshine Hotel
Hokey Pokey Camp -Dance the Hokey Pokey everyday at noon and turn yourself around. Everyone welcome. Friends of Bill W. Meeting Everday at 5. This a 24 hour camp of clean and sober people. Everyone welcome to come by and adjust or just hang out. Dance on Friday night.
Contact: marvo03@hughes.netHometown: Gardnerville, NVHome
In previous years weve traveled the world to bring foreign cultures to the playa: Bollywood, Easter Island, Japanorama, La Dolce Vita, Sagrada. This year were focusing on what it means to be HOME… on the playa, in America, on Earth.
URL: http://www.dragondebris.comContact: daleeast@gmail.comHometown: West Hollywood, CAHome
Welcome Home. Go Home. Come Home. Stay Home. Be Home. Join us at Home as we participate in building our home, our world and our dreams.
Contact: greenaaronj@yahoo.comHometown: San Francisco, CAHoni Soit Croquet Club
The Honi Soit Croquet Club is back and feeling the american dream! Come on by and participate in our camp motto of relaxing, drinking cold brew and playing croquet on the playa.
URL: http://www.honisoitcroquet.comContact: neilverling@gmail.comHometown: Foresthill, CAHoo Ha Effigy Camp
Hoo Ha Effigy Camp is the balance of the sacred and fun. Hoo Ha provides shamanic healing through effigy ritual as well as other modalities. We also have a long history of celebrating Fidel Castro’s Birthday
Hometown: Albany, CAhookah homestead
Hookah Homestead is your place on the playa for an evening chill out and some puffs on the hookah. Come chill out with us every night from 5-8 listen to some laid back music and enjoy an ancient tradition. Longer Hours if we have volunteers.
Contact: cardroom@gmail.comHometown: Fort Lauderdale, FLHookahdome
Gather your open-minded & sparkling friends, and make yourself at home in this intimate atmosphere of dance, communion, and luxury … Smolder with the fragrant incense of the sacred hookah, and spoil your senses with the seductive beauty of exotic performance art.
URL: http://www.hookahdome.comContact: sutterite@yahoo.comHometown: Yuba City , CAHorny Camp
Rising from the ashes of the 2006 Burn comes Horny Camp II Rise of the Devils! Come release your inner demon, devil, satyr, or woodland creature by making yourself a pair of playa-horns! In the great playa tradition we’ll teach you how to fashion your own set of playa horns which you can walk away and wear ? spreading devilish fashion throughout Black Rock City. Resident Horny Camp miscreants will teach you how to fashion your own horns which we will then bake while you hang in the Horny Camp Lounge. Classes will be held round about midday (playa time) or whenever we feel like firing up the oven. So check the posted schedule for the next class. (Disclaimer: Class schedule subject to change unexpectedly based on weather, temperature, dust storms, how late we partied last night, and our/your current level of intoxication.)
URL: http://www.hornycamp.comContact: jess@hornycamp.comHometown: NYC/SFHot Monkey Sox
We host sock-monkey making workshops daily from 11am to 5pm. We provide all the materials but you’re welcome to bring your own sox. We appreciate gifts of poly-fill pillows and clean socks (mis-matched sox are ok). Don’t miss our 12-foot sock-monkey and the Hot Monkey Toss, a giant monkey slingshot!
URL: jmoralesgibson@yahoo.comHometown: Pacific Grove, CAHOT WHEELZ CAMP
Here at HOT WHEELZ CAMP, we offer the gift of mobility to fellow Burners who might have difficulty traveling to the far reaches of Black Rock City. It is our goal to expand and enhance the opportunities of our Themecamp guests to PARTICIPATE!
URL: westernskys@gmail.comHometown: Reno, NVHumphrey Dumpty Hot-air Balloon
100 foot tall upside-down Humphrey Dumpty Hot-air Balloon. Early morning/early evening hot-air balloon fly-over of Burning Man camp when wind conditions are lite and right … and/or ground-line fastened photo-op rides. Media and volunteer ground crew are first to fly.
Contact: nlarson@pacbell.netHometown: Colorado Springs, COHundredth Monkey Camp
We collect/share written, vocal and art expressed ideas following the theory that an instant, paranormal spreading of an idea or ability to an entire population is possible once a certain portion of that population has learned the new idea or ability.
Contact: slavezifra@yahoo.comHometown: San Jose, CAHung Far Low
Hung Far low. We offer a festive refuge from the sun. Come by for music, conversation, or a bite to eat. You can chill in a comfortable chair, have a cold drink, and share the experience. We have samples packs of (over the counter) pain reliever in case of overindulgence, and other gifts
Contact: kent.mere@verizon.netHometown: Wilsonville, ORHushville
Hushville, an aural oasis in an undulating sea of chaos, is open to pre-registered campers who will abide by three simple rules: NO generators, NO amplified sound, and LEAVE NO TRACE. We have large, solo, theme, non-theme camps, and at least one resident evil klown!
URL: http://www.hushville.comContact: virg_l@yahoo.comHometown: Houston, TXHut of the GlamTech Warrior
The Hut is a repository for GlamTech icons. Before a long night riding the Disorient Express, the GlamTech Warrior reclines in his Hut where he keeps his wardrobe, tools and emblems of power, all presented under black light. She wears SFP 60+ at night too.
URL: glamtech@disorient.infoHometown: Monaco, N/A