Coming soon.
N-Gon Inc. 2008
The N-Gon family of companies comprises a large number of playa corporations dedicated to maximizing shareholder value and educating our customers about our products. Depraved corporate roleplay mixed with out traditional trampoline, volleyball, and observation deck.
URL: fourmica@gmail.comHometown: Oakland, CANAKED CITY
We’re nudists who celebrate the body. Enter our Fashion Show Thursday & Friday at 3 PM wearing your fancy birthday suit. The most creative naked outfits (tattoos, piercings or ??? wins. Body painting available anytime, A Naked Travel counselor & a wheelchair accessible shower too!
Contact: normagrace1@earthlink.netHometown: Cooper City, FLNarc! Narc!
Camp Narc! featuring the world’s largest Titty Totter and the ThunderDonut of Doom
Contact: skyhighflyby@gmail.comHometown: Berkeley, CANarration Station
Narration Station welcomes Black Rock Citizens of all motivations to speak their minds! We believe primly in the concept of immediacy and inclusive participation. We are gourmets, bartenders, builders, wheeler dealers, and above all friends. Preach it1
Contact: dmainas@gmail.comHometown: Kentfield, CANectar Village
Nectar Village is about you. It is about what you need to survive, refuel, and revitalize. Mind, body and spirit are all served, and youll find the nectar you seek for any of them, in the camps at our oasis. Offerings continuously from 8am to 10pm.
URL: http://www.nectarvillage.comContact: questions@nectarvillage.comHometown: San Francisco, CANeo Antiquity
Neo Antiquity will feature a large tower pyramid with a stage that will often feature open jams, DJ sets, and playlists of music. People can sit in the large shaded area, participate in music creation, get painted with henna, wash their feet, and climb the tower for a better view. Come visit us.
Contact: openingmythirdeye@gmail.comHometown: Santa Barbara, CAnevada barbarians
we are zany at best. we are a group of locals who love the desert and love to have fun. our camp welcomes everyone with opon arms to come hang out and party like a barbarian. anyone who can drink can come chill and play with us 24/7 if u can hang….so come see what we are all about.
Contact: burning_man_girl@yahoo.comHometown: Reno, NVNew Jersey Camp
HEY go F yourself! We supply some of the best shade during the day paired with blunt northeastern sarcasm. Stop by, hang out in our pyramids, relax in our hammocks, take a bounce on our trampoline, tell us a story – just don’t ask us what exit we’re from. We are very exit sensitive.
Contact: silveraradiaisis@hotmail.comHometown: San Francisco, CANexus
Its Nexus. Its a Party. 12′ Tesla Coil, Fire, Only the the BEST Music, ALL WEEK LONG!!! You know what to do… see ya on the Playa!
URL: http://www.nexusnebula.comContact: terrapin_33@yahoo.comHometown: South Lake Tahoe, CANice Nice
Come visit, party and take photos of your friends with their faces inserted in cutouts of a large painted-plywood Burning Man version of Grant Wood’s classic “American Gothic.” Also take rides on our 4 person, 4 wheel peddle cart.
Contact: roth@robotics.stanford.eduHometown: Stanford, CAnon-Prophets
Chill travelers DJing electronic music, spinning staff, and playing with our pyramid of light.
URL: http://non-prophets.netContact: burningman@non-prophets.netHometown: Portland, ORNorthwest Mist
Providing a soothing Northwest atmosphere to escape the mid-day heat. Step through the Northwest Mist portal and transcend the heat of the day for a momentary refreshening. Home of the ghost of The Lady Washington in the realm of the pirates of camp Galavant.
URL: northwestmist@teleport.comHometown: Lake Oswego, ORNose Fish
Nose Fish returns in 2008 to present “American Dreamsicle,” a human-powered vehicle we’ll use to distribute thousands of popsicles, and the “Americana Lounge,” a 50s era chill space featuring the art project “Garbage on TV.” At night the MEZ interactive video screen will return with new effects.
URL: hoco@timefold.comHometown: Emeryville, CANYC Container Camp
NYC Container Camp is the New York container filled with all the love, joy, art and creativity shipped from the other side of the country! Come get yourgoods and sit awhile for our evening drinks.
URL: http://www.nyccontainer.comContact: cinemagirl@gmail.comHometown: Jersey City, NJNYrvana Village
NYrvana Village is an urban oasis housing Kostume Kult, Urban Jungle, Checkered Nation, Glass Bead Collective, Mermaid Parade Pod, the Untied Nations Embassy and the NYC Container. On the Esplanade and in-your-face, NYC-style, we bring dreamy notions and make-it-happen reality to BRC.
URL: http://www.nyrvana.orgHometown: Brooklyn, NY