1999 Theme Camps

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Coming soon.

A Coney Island of the Mindless

A short stretch of Coney Island boardwalk, and a short stretch of your mind.

Hometown: Boulder, CO

A/B/A Pictures @ Camp Blow-up

Please come to our blow-up camp and bring copies of your BM ’98 pictures so everybody can look at them while sitting on our inflatables. We invite people to play around with ideas for new A/B/A-pictures.

Hometown: Wohlen, Switzerland

ACME Corporation

Try out the latest offerings for the 99 model year from the R & D labs of ACME Corporation (including ACME Giant Slingshot and others). Stay tuned for details of a playa performance by ACME Renegade Theater (info, time and location TBA in July).

Hometown: Brooklyn, NY


ELECTRONIC AMPLIFICATION OF CHEESY MUSIC WITH A GRINDING BEAT SUCKS and will be destroyed daily in effigy. No, instead, Mad Salibu Magma brings you SIMPLE AND HOMEMADE instruments from THE BONES BAND. SCAT singers Folk singers Throat singers all are welcomed at ACOUSTICAMP where STRANGE SOUNDS and SWEET MELODIC HARMONY alternate dizzily. COME share your morbid old Child Ballads; Sing Camp Songs from Long Ago. HOLLER with us and Dance the Sun down; bring your Guitars and Voices here. PLAY with bells, horns, cups, tubes, cones, hammers, toys of weird percussion; JOIN in Harmonies of Astonishing Beauty, explore Animal Singing, or see Visions crouched inside a Taiko Drum. SONGBOOKS on hand.

Airheads Hypnotism Camp

A camp for Airhead BMW riders. Also anyone interested in experiencing being hypnotized come to our location at about 4:30 and Mars from 2-5 PM daily. Get into your subconscious mind, travel back in time, etc. Other hypnotists welcome.

Hometown: Reno, NV

Alien Chess Camp

Once again, the aliens have returned to play chess at Burning Man. By the dayglow of their surreal camp play human sized chess with an alien.

Hometown: Gardnerville, NV

Alien Domination Gospel Mission

Hallelujah prepare for the alien invasion. They think we’re the cutest pets since cockapoos.

Hometown: Reno, NV

Aloha Touron Tours

Is this your first Burning Man? Ours Too! So why don’t you grab your Ukulele, Hawaiian shirt, Moo-Moo dress, Flower Lies, Grass Skirt, Coconut Bra and camp with us? With Aloha Touron Tours we will explore the wonderful and exotic land of Burning Man. Come and see the native’s works of arts. Dance to their primitive music. Take picture of them in their natural surrounding. And work on your tan while doing some exotic umbrellas drinks. But don’t piss off the natives or you will find yourself being sacrifice as a BM Virgin to the Volcano Mt. Black Rock… Oh God! I can’t watch!

Hometown: Concord, CA

Anal Retentive Rehabilitation Camp

Free Jazz free expresso free wine. Participate in action painting in Black Rocks Bohemia.

Hometown: Reno, NV

Anonymous Camp

12-step meetings of any type held here, scheduled & impromptu. Come by for a meeting or start one of your own!

Hometown: San Francisco, CA


Antarctica 01999 will be bigger and better than last year. We will have two 50 foot refridgerated semi-trailers running from about noon to sundown everyday. DJ Noah will also be back. You can find us in the Village of Disturbia. Donations of water, hot chocolate, and Kahlua are always appreciated and may allow you to jump the line if we are in need.

Hometown: San Francisco, CA

Apocalypse Theatre

Apocalypse Studio is part of Apocalypse Theatre. We are trying to build a recording facility, and another stage for performances to occur.

Hometown: Minneapolis, MN


You need go no further you’ve come to the Arena of earthly delights.

Hometown: Point Arena, CA

Art Car Camp

A welcoming oasis for all artcar artists and those who wish to enter our wonderful world! Come and hang out with artcar creators, go for a gentle cruise with us on the playa in art-style and help create new and exciting forms of vehicular works of art!

Hometown: Portland, OR

Artists Republic of Fremont (ARFCamp)

The Artists Republic of Fremont will be once again issuing passports and running the Cirque de Flambe. Stop by and become a citizen.

URL: http://www.arfarfarf.comHometown: Seattle (Fremont), WA

Astro-Galatica's: Axis of the Inner Sanctum Camp

Come and expand your mind at Astro-Galactica’s: Axis of the inner santum camp. An ever-mood changing atmosphere with a space age theme. Featuring nightly mind/visual entertainment to the music of Astro-Galactica. Let the Cosmo Kid take you thru the Axis of YOUR inner sanctum, a musical mind/visual experience.

Hometown: Reno, NV