Coming soon.
Lake Lahontan Yacht Club
How can you not have fun wearing no more than a hula skirt, a flower lei and a shit eating grin? The Lake is gone, but the Yacht Club and the party goes on and on – Hele Mai!
Contact: curtmc@edge.netHometown: Shelbyville, TNLatex Luv from the Aliens Abuve
!!Live Art From Outer Space!! The latexluv alien continuum is a modern myth continually evolving and expressing the intergalactic stage, drawing upon a multitude of creative unconscious channels! Cum be part ov our B-Groovie MoVie Making fun, develop your own alien species, planet, theme, etc, etc, and help keep the galactic forces in balance!!!
URL: http://www.LatexLuv.comContact: MathWizard@aol.comHometown: Bradenton, FLLawn Games
Providing the tools you need to (re)create those halcyon days of youth.
URL: dzm@dzm.comHometown: Los Gatos, CALectric Ladybug Lounge
The Lectric Ladybug Lounge will be a public dome decorated as a Ladybug, with projections and multimedia lighting it up at night. Costumed characters will populate a fantasy world and participants are invited to come play.
Contact: marcia@burningman.comHometown: San Francisco, CALingerie Planet, or The Top Drawer
Lingerie Planet (aka the Top Drawer) seeks to spread roughly 600 pieces of fuzzy/lacey/shimmery lingerie to the masses at Burning Man! And please feel free to try out your new find on our Stripper Pole (tm – endorsed by the ancient prophets of Lingerie Planet)!
Contact: kira@washapp.orgHometown: Seattle, WALiveJournal Camp
LiveJournal Camp is an interactive camp representing the Mauseleum as a passport camp. We invite you to come write, draw, or somehow remember the special people in your life who have passed on, but have significantly influenced you. By night we invite you come and dance, drink, party, chill, and play with us.
Contact: kirsten_hubbard@yahoo.comHometown: San Jose, CALock Out Team Headquarters
Lock Out Team Headquarters: All persons with ability to open cars and vehicles who wish to volunteer – may stop by and chat. We are always looking for new members! See Bonzai or Sydkick!
Hometown: Elk Grove, CALorax Camp
Camp Lorax is both the story of the modern age and a potent counter-discourse that seeks to undermine the pillars of existing reality. Come join the creatures of the truffula forest in daily activities and a final uprising against the Onceler and his evil factory – will the forest thrive, or does everybody truly need a thneed?
Contact: elucidave@hotmail.comHometown: San Francisco, CALove City
This is ‘Love City’. Everyone gets love. It’s free love, hugs, massages, intimacy, music and love.
Contact: moneybagggs1111@aol.comHometown: Sparks, NVLove Project Unlimited
Home of the Love Liberation Army.
Contact: spinrad@wiredmag.comHometown: San Francisco, CALush Camp
A tropical garden outpost in which to restore travelers’ vitality for their journey back across the desert.
URL: http://www.lushcamp.comContact: pacjimbo@aol.comHometown: Pacifica, CALustmonkeys at the Vibe Hive
The Lustmonkeys… buzzing with sweetness and love… welcome you to the Vibe Hive. Come and play in the golden passions of monkey love…
URL: http://www.lustmonkey.comContact: marie21_6@hotmail.comHometown: San Diego, CALuv-A-Fair
At Luv-A-Fair you can find and express your love! Read or write love poetry (stuck to our heart sculptures) for our daily contest, or fill out our questionnaire to get an interest and personality profile (with a picture) posted on our board. We figure out suggested matches to help you find a mate on the playa.
Contact: tim@quiknet.comHometown: Fair Oaks, CA