Coming soon.
Necklace Factory
For a few hours each day visitors are invited to make a necklace or bracelet for themselves and visit with strangers from around the world… we supply the materials or bring your own… we look forward to seeing what you create.
URL: kctc@vonl.comHometown: Kingwood, TXNetherWorld Ranch
For all your afterlife needs: we serve the pious, the evil, and the undecided. Let Heaven and Hell bargain for your soul… with special guest appearances by Lucifer and the Big Man Upstairs! Yee Haw!
Contact: JPSlater1@aol.comHometown: Brooklyn, NYNipple Clamp Camp
Consensual sensual: NCC offers titilation with personal jewelry that creates a sense of hightened awareness and fun for all.
Contact: nippleclampcamp@hotmail.comHometown: Reno, NVNo Tanline Camp
In the Seven Stages of Life, we all begin the first stage (The Infant) the same (nude). But why do so many deviate after that? Many other Stages of Life in the past has also promoted a nude lifestyle: Children playing in the water and at the beach with no sand getting into their swim clothes (why do people need clothes to swim anyways?), Couples in love… (do I need to say more?), ancient Soliders in primative battle – true test of the individual by himself and the matches in the Roman Coliseums, and finally at the Moritorium where in death it is just our body to return to the earth and be recycled. To help people achieve this new persona, you will have a week at Burning Man, but once you return home there may be nude beaches, camps, hot spring, resorts, travel clubs or groups close to your home or where you vacation. Come and learn of the opportunities and keep the rebirth going year round.
Contact: burningmannude@hotmail.comHometown: Phoenix, AZNuclear Family
Come home to your true family in BRC where all are welcomed and all belong. Get painted, meditate, dance, relax and recharge your soul.
Contact: debk@onebox.comHometown: Reseda, CA