2019 Theme Camps

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This listing represents camps who submitted a Camp Placement Questionnaire requesting placement in Black Rock City and who wish to be listed publicly.

This listing does not represent camps who have been placed. Placement is reviewing these camps, and we will announce decisions by early July.

To find camp locations when you’re at Burning Man, refer to the BRC Map & Guide distributed by Greeters, the theme camp maps and Directory at Playa Info, and Civic Kiosks in city plazas.

2019 Camps


Get caffeinated!!!! We bring you the best coffee on the playa. Hand roasted in small batches, freshly ground pour-over style with (almost) no dust in it. Drag your ass to our kick ass dome from 9am to 6pm & 9pm-12am daily, BYOC like the good burner you are.

Hometown: Oakland

Kaleidoscope Collective

Hometown: Global

Kamikaze Kamp

Hand pressed Kava from Molokai served at a makeshift bar under a flame effect? Come find us, roaming the open playa.

Hometown: Honolulu

Kamp Kaizen

Come One, Come All…
Small or Tall.
JOIN Kamp Kaizen at our Burn Music Ball!!!
Daily from 4pm-6pm (or later if the live jam is still jammin’)

Hometown: LA/SF

Kamp Kaos

Kaos brings a human-scale fabric art maze, flying space bar, and late night Death Marches back to the playa!

Hometown: Boston

Kamp Karaoke

Release your inner rock star! Come sing to our LIVE BAND karaoke back-up, or digital karaoke, on our big stage with pro sound system. Group sing along and individual performances welcome

Hometown: Davis

Kamp Suckie Fuckaye

Kamp Suckie Fuckaye is home to Burning Man’s longest running fire conclave, Garnish. Our infamous Kamp Suckie Fuckaye Saloon invites all citizens of Black Rock to come have a drink and talk some shit. Made up of a variety of artists, performers, and career entertainers KSF is collective of the creative! Join us for our workshops, performances, and all around good times. Come, join our family. SUCKIEEE FUCKAYEEEEE! (Not a sex camp.)

Hometown: Las Vegas

Karma Love Camp

Honoring divine femininity with a cosmic connection attenuated to the migration of atoms, transformation occurs with presence and through participation. We are the playa portal of the universe to your inner self. Our display art is mesmerizing, opening pathways to deeper mysteries. Our activities expand and challenge your mind.
Honor your form through body adornment and care, yoga, mediation. Celebrate this existence through food events, dance parties, and a number of craft activities.
You, the cosmos and the world sacrificed much to bring you to this moment in time. Make it matter!

URL: http://www.karmalovecamp.com Hometown: Gerlach


Come hang with the Wookiees of KashyyyK! Stop by our bodega any afternoon for all of your forgotten playa needs, and while your here, stay for a relaxing swing (or nap) in one of our many hammocks!

Hometown: New York City


The Kazbah is a place for all. Located right on the shore of the city, this beacon can be seen from far (and heard) from far across the deep playa, look for our pyramid with lasers pointing towards Sirius and join us for good times, good vibes, good music, proper sound, a bar, and a whole lot of love.

URL: http://www.kazbah.org Hometown: San Francisco

Kegel Kommandos

The best for Playtime on the Playa!
Daily Safari Bar to conquer the dust
Featuring the Playa’s Tallest Horizontal Climbing Wall
Limbo challenge and daily Table Tennis play
PLUS – Take your Table Tennis skills to a whole new level with our 4th Annual Ding Dong Sing Song Beer Bong Ping Pong World Championships. Sport, Junk Food and Beer!
Friday – the 8th Annual Grilled Cheese and Baconstravaganza. You know you need gluten, dairy AND meat products….we have them all in one place, at one time!
Pop by anytime to swap tall tales and meet new friends.

Hometown: Reno, NV

Kentucky Fried Camp

We bring gentile Kentucky hospitality, combining elements of sweet down home with a sprinkling of agro/punk for spicing up the scene. Start your morning with a gourmet fried bologna sandwich to coat your stomach. Add a shot of KY Bourbon to rinse the Playa from your throat. Guests are welcome ’round the clock in our Old Kentucky Dome, with plenty of fun activities from yoga, spa treatments, crafting, storytelling, music playing, & just good ole socializing. Our dome is cool & shaded during the day & stocked with plenty of warm blankets & cuddle spots for cool nights in BRC. Everyone is welcome to join us mid-week at our illuminated Kentucky Fried Cotillion! Don’t miss the fastest minute in BRC sports with the annual Whoreshoe Derby! HEYY!

Hometown: Lexington


Kidsville is a village of kid oriented theme camps and individual family camps. We provide a safe haven from which to explore the magic of Burning Man!

URL: http://kidsville.org Hometown: Santa Cruz


Camp Kin-Dza-Dza!, bringing space-junk dystopia and tea to the Playa since 2006!

Hometown: New York


KINO – Cinema in a desert.
Come to experience movies, anime and cartoons from all over the world.

P.s. we’ve got popcorn as well 🙂

URL: http://bm.buildthetravel.ru Hometown: Moscow

Kosmic Kamels

Kosmic Kamels is a collection of modern nomads from all over the Middle East and the galaxy who want to give BRC the gift of our common heritage – warm tea and coffee, a good smoke, a place in the shade, soothing Arabian string music and open conversation.

Kosmic Kowboys

Kosmic Kowboys
Join us for daily happy hours with calf roping, guitar picking, Kowboy Poetry and movies! We live by the Kowboy creed so take a break, belly up the bar for a drink and make some new playa Kowboy friends!

Hometown – Reno, Nevada

Hometown: Reno, Nevada

Kosmik Dust

Stop by for a walk through the Sound Garden for an interactive audio and visual treat! Or, play our fire shooting Kosmik Kalliope!

Hometown: Las Vegas

Kostume Kult

Kostume Kult is a costume art, theme event and street-theater club that has HUGE fun! Based in New York City with members internationally, our “kult” is an open one inviting all to pursue costumed creativity year-around.

URL: http://www.kostumekult.com Hometown: New York City

Krepe Burners

Krepe Burners:
Come eat the best crepes in ze world!
Real French Crêpes, made by a real French crew, vegan or not, flambées or not, with a large choice of toppings, served along with Fresh Coffee

Hometown: Aix En Provence


The RITUAL DANCERS named KUKERI have been inseparable part of the Balkans and more specifically of Bulgaria for thousands of years and represent the idea of people putting hideous animalistic masks and dressing up in elaborate self-made fur costumes every year at the beginning of Spring season to scare away evil spirits and bring joy, happiness and prosperity for the whole village throughout the year.
Behind the camp is a team of community builders and music and arts festival organizers, who will teach some old-time line-dances – long semi-circle chains of people holding hands and dancing under the accompaniment of Bulgarian gaida (bagpipe), mixed with modern methods of self-expression – electronic beats, contemporary musical instruments and new technology gadgets.

URL: https://www.facebook.com/kukerartcar/ Hometown: Irvine