A 1776 Masquerade
‘A 1776 Masquerade’ is a giant historical costume party! We dress up as a different era of American History everyday and rewrite the history books as we go
URL: http://burningmancamp1776.webs.comContact: addisoniv@yahoo.comHometown: Dallas, TXA Camp With No Name
The horse is still dead, and we continue to beat it. Come by and sit in the desert in A Camp With No Name, where you will be told that buttered popcorn is a perfectly fantastic snow cone flavor – why would you think otherwise? Are you daft? (Don’t worry – there are “normal” flavors galore.) Look for us carting around chai or tidying up the playa with our vacuum cleaner.
URL: http://www.flickr.com/photos/sarafuller/collections/72157601969214135/Hometown: Denver, COAbove The Limit
Saraswati Tea House’s Tea Wallahs and Crystal Cavern’s 18 foot fluorescent crystals, comfy pillows and DJs welcome our guests! Those in need of tea, art, empathy, and refreshment during their rites of passage are served by colorful tea wallahs in honor of Saraswati, the goddess of cosmic knowledge. By night, come dance and relax in the 40′ Crystal Cavern dome. By day, join us for yoga and the Saraswati Speaker Series featuring presenters from diverse dimensions discussing visionary transformation.
URL: http://www.CampAboveTheLimit.comContact: info@CampAboveTheLimit.comHometown: Reno, NVAbstininthe
Abstininthe is the friendly bar on the playa,providing our special drink to the thirsty of BRC since the last millenium. Come try our many flavors and enjoy the music, ambience and conversation of our neighborhood bar.
URL: http://abstininthe.tribe.netContact: mtpatchen@gmail.comHometown: Berkeley, CAAirship Victoria
The Airship Victoria will be embarking upon splendid journeys of light, electricity and sound. Join us in a hand crafted lighter than air adventure.
Hometown: San Francisco, CA
Contact: playaflyer (at) gmail (dot) com
Airstreameri and Geologists
Dsyfunctionally Disorganized Geologists and Airstreamers with questions for Dusted passerbys. Alice and Wonderland Mad Hatter’s croquet game Thursday at 5.
Hometown: Genoa, NVAlice in Burningland
We are all mad here! Join us for a trip down the rabbit hole for your own personal “Rites of Passage”. “Eat Me” “Drink Me”…if you dare. Tea and cakes are served at four o’clock. Follow the Mad Hatter and don’t be late!
Hometown: Carson City, NVAll Power Body Art
Airbrush / Body Painting / DJ with Sound System
Contact: glennzilch@allpowereng.comHometown: Grass Valley, CAAlmost Real World
The Almost Real World is an area for people to relax and enjoy an small and intimate musical experience. Open DJ sessions and workshops will be held and musicians are encouraged to drop in and say hello.
URL: http://almostrealism.comContact: mike@almostrealism.comHometown: San Mateo, CAAlternative Energy Zone village
The Alternative Energy Zone village is a home for folks who do NOT have generators and WOULD like to camp in a friendly place. (and most of us know something about solar/wind/human power). We are open to anyone who asks (and has no gennie).
URL: http://www.ae-zone.comHometown: Willits, CAAmbiverts Pagoda of Penance
What’s an Ambivert? Why it’s someone who’s both introverted AND extroverted! Tuesday night is Extrovert Night: bring your big personality and come dance, drink, and mingle with some of the most outlandish characters. Too wild for you? Wednesday night is Introvert Night: bring a book or a craft and come by to enjoy some coffee, a simple libation, and pretend to ignore everyone else.
URL: http://www.ambiverts.comContact: info@ambiverts.comHometown: Santa Barbara, CAAmbrosia
Camp Ambrosia invites gods and goddesses to lounge in an uncompromising atmosphere of healing, psychonautical exploration and freestyle interaction. We invite other super-beings to come and sip on smoothies, teas and potions in the comfort of our hammocks and fresh tunes.
URL: http://www.ambrosiacamp.comHometown: Boulder, COand then there's only LOVE...
Love is the constant that bonds us together and ATTOL continues to be the place to love and be loved. We are full of love, hugs and fun. Join us in our air conditioned Orgy Dome where couples and moresomes play, attend a class, perform on our stage or learn a few tricks on our new pole dancing stage.
URL: http://www.andthentheresonlylove.com/Contact: andthenthersonlylove@hotmail.comHometown: Bend, ORAngry Birds Camp
Angry Birds Camp. Come play Angry Birds on the playa with open play everyday from 1:00-3:00pm. Join us for sling shot fun as you launch stuffed animals to destroy the evil green pigs (and other stuffed animals). Fun for all ages!!
Hometown: Carson City, NVAnonymous Village
Anonymous Village is a 12 step program based village that holds Alcoholics Anonymous, Narcotics Anonymous, OA, Alanon and other meetings around the clock. We support all of those that want or need support in this harsh desert and party environment. We focus on having maximum fun with group outings, potluck meals and fellowship.
URL: http://burningdesires@p90.netContact: burningdesires@p90.netHometown: Graham, WAAOXOMOXOA
Our stage is open for your enjoyment and participation: dance, prance, sing, compose/recite poetry & tell your stories for BRC denizens. Live music from camp mates. Air guitar ongoing. One or more recorded Dead shows daily, a zilch display scheduled for late in the week, a cold one (if you are 21+), fresh water on hand & wacky AOXOMOXOAns at your service for all needs.AKA Scarlet/Fire @ the Mars Hotel, Eyes of the World, the Dead Sea & Beyond the Dead
URL: http://www.facebook.com/group.php?gid=112325115784Contact: fredsmith732@comcast.netHometown: Santa Rosa, CAApocalypse Later
Do you experience feelings of impending doom, or maybe you lack the motivation to prepare for Armageddon? If so, come to Apocalypse Later where you can meet fellow lazy fuckers who are preparing to prepare for total annihilation.
Hometown: Vancouver, BCApocalypse Lounge
If you’re looking for a cozy hookah lounge this should be on your stop while out exploring. Enjoy a hookah lounge inside and outside, an interactive mini play land, featuring: adult size sit & spin, hula hoop hoops, and wiffle ball. Come by and say hi!
Hometown: Portland, ORAPOKILIPTIKA
APOKILIPTIKA 2011- Wrongs of Passage! Part of Terminal City Village and home to the playa’s best Soviet themed camp.
URL: http://www.apokiliptika.comContact: killbuck25@gmail.comHometown: Carson City, NVApres Ski BRC
Great white northern border crossing, celebrations and
libations and legendary ski themed party on Wednesday night with old skool tunes. Frolic with the ski bunnies in the only snow on the playa! Wear your gear and goggles and come on up to the north to play!
Entering the empty canvas of the desert, facing your unfettered soul, is a rite of passage — one that cannot be made without life-sustaining Water. The added beauty of Water is that the wisdom you gain can be transmitted to the Water and thereby transmuted to your body. Come quench your thirst at AquaZone’s Water Bar, once again transmitting Intention to the Water for your body and soul’s pleasure.
URL: http://www.smartloftstudio.com/aquazone/Hometown: Berkeley, CAArachnophobia
A Gothic cabaret of chaos and music. Freaks, Gamers, geeks, goths anyone dusty is welcome!
URL: http://www.burningspider.comContact: gothspider@aol.comHometown: Boulder, COArea 51
Just drop in and prepare to be abducted! Our beautifully zen chill space, massage tables, frozen healthy smoothies, laser light shows, live music, and parties are out of this world! Not to mention DR. MEGAVOLT’S Tesla coil, which will be featured in our camp! We’ll be collaborating with the camps Feed the Artists and the Art of Such N Such, so don’t forget to visit our neighbors as well!
Contact: edavidmorris@yahoo.comHometown: Atlanta, GAArt Car Bus Stop
Stop chasing after Art Cars! Let them come to YOU! Wait for your ride at the ART CAR BUS STOP. Pass the time in our relaxing lounge. Tickle the senses with our art gallery. Lose something old and find something new at the Lost and Found Office. Get hyped up to the tunes of our superstar DJ’s who will be rocking a fully lit neighborhood dance floor. Hurry up and wait at the ART CAR BUS STOP!
URL: http://www.artcarbusstop.comContact: wait@artcarbusstop.comHometown: Los Angeles, CAArt Car Camp
Art Car Camp features “Daily Driver” Art Cars that are street legal, insured, and registered vehicles that work their magic beyond Burning Man wherever they go. Come see some of the vehicles that first inspired the proliferation of Mutant Vehicles at Burning Man!
URL: http://www.facebook.com/#!/group.php?gid=107433335338Contact: jennroland@gmail.comHometown: Douglas, AZART OF SUCH N SUCH
the art of such n such is a collective force promiting the collaborative effort of the artists in the burningman commuinty nationally and abroad.
this years camp is a conduite to support the success of the honoraium art project “the fire birds of the fifth direction”
Art Pirates Studio and the Bad Idea Bar
The Art Pirates Studio provides space for creating on the playa with activities ranging from: drawing, painting, sculpting (welding), and various (non-moopy) crafts. In this studio, you don’t have to worry about how your work turns out, as your bad ideas can be immortalized at the Bad Idea Bar with daily specials!
Contact: factor970@gmail.comHometown: Redmond, WAARTery
The headquarters for the Burning Man Art Department.
Hometown: San Francisco, CAAshram Galactica Resort and Conference Center
After the takeover of the Hotel Ashram Galactica by CocoPocoLocoResortCorp(tm), the members of the former Ashram Galactica were instructed to provide resort and conference facilities. We offer our clients badminton, miniature golf, bocci, and croquet. Most importantly, we offer the GER TALKS at AG, a series of public lectures, the idea for which the TED conference totally stole from us. The preceding has been an approved statement of CocoPocoLocoResortCorp(tm).
URL: http://www.ashramgalactica.com/conferenceContact: conciergedesk@ashramgalactica.comHometown: Venice, CAAstro Cats
Astro Cats is a camp for relaxation ,learning about the stars in the night sky, and public talks on astronomical topics in the evenings.
Contact: smackass2007@gmail.comHometown: Daly City, CAAstropups: Camp Pupawannahumpya
Perennially furry, frisky and fabulous, the Astropups invite you to relive the sweaty days of summer camp with a queer kitsch twist (say that three times fast!).
Prepare for pups at play.
Your home away from home on the playa. Come and create with us.
Hometown: Davis, CAAutomatic Subconscious
Boston’s longest running Theme Camp is bringing a little East Coast love back to the playa! Come visit.
URL: http://www.automaticsubconscious.com/Contact: automatic.subconscious@gmail.comHometown: Somerville, MAAvant Yard
“What’s all amazing that keeps us stargazing? And what do we think we might see?” – Kermit the Frog
Come play with us.