You are invited to join your fellow volunteers / creators / newbies for The Participation POTLUCK Picnic (event formerly known as Bar-B-Que-a-Noobie) in Oakland’s Mosswood Park, just a hop, skip, and a jump away from MacArthur BART!
This year we are inviting Burning Man staff and Volunteer Coordinators, artists, theme camps and newbies. You are the people that make Burning Man happen and the Volunteer Resource Team wants to thank and support you!
Please bring your favorite eats / treats to the POTLUCK to enjoy food, drinks and games in the sunshine as your gift to your fellow Burners.
Come share what you are excited about for this years Burn and connect with VRT to figure out ways we can support you during crunch time and on playa.
The Volunteer Resource Team is providing entertainment and games… and Bar-B-Que basics!
- Bocci Ball
- Kick Ball with a little slosh
- Hula Hoop Jam
- Yoga
Bar-B-Que Basics
- Burgers & Dogs
- Buns and Chips
- Condiments
- Veggie options
- Water
- non-alcoholic drinks
Have questions? Contact the Volunteer Resource Team