Coming soon.
Wake 'n' Reik(i)
Spend a few minutes each day with us, at Wake ‘n’ Reik(i). As you’ve spent your nights and days in the multitudinous glory and challenges of the Playa, join us for some re-balancing and reset your mind, body, soul, and emotions.
15 minutes to a more peaceful you…
Contact: joiboy7@yahoo.comHometown: Oakland, CAWaking Grounds
Waking Grounds is a haven that bridges the waking and dream worlds — a space for building community connections, sharing simple breakfast fare, and enjoying imaginative entertainment.
URL: dan.steinbock@gmail.comHometown: Santa Rosa, CAwdydwyd?
Portrait project – fascinating portraits taken of people answering the question “why do you do what you do?” in beautiful, old-fashioned black-and-white instant photos that will be displayed in a “gallery” during the week, with the prints given to portraitees at the end of the week and the negatives posted at
URL: hope@deifell.comHometown: San Francisco, CAWHEEEEE!Villle
Having more fun than you since 2004!
Wheeeee!Villle will once again become the home in the dust for the 3playa community, a virtual group that spans the globe loosely disorganized around it’s own fecund bulletin board interaction. Many of the denizens have been conversing together online for years, while others have only recently begun adding their contributions to the sparkling stream. During the year, board traffic leads, via no clearly specified process, to frequent opportunities for face-to-face messing about (often involving drinks, hot tubs, and usually fire) among different combinations of folks. Between rounds, this community of imaginary playamates recognizes that a Burning Man village is our annual excuse to summon the largest number of us to come out and play.
Wheeeee!villle is the result. It is our collective gift to the Black Rock City, a place to share our passions, including drinks and fire, with whatever BRCitizens happen to wander by. Theme camps within the village will lure in unsuspecting dustmonkeys and enthrall them in a number of highly varied, moderately disturbed ways:
Smite Camp returns for its mumbleth year to once-again deliver playa justice on a stick. And croquet.
Barbie Death Camp & Wine Bistro brings back the sick-not-funny art of the friendliest concentration camp on the playa.
DonutLove serving beverages and keeping cool under the Big-Ass Tent.
Dreamtime weaves stories and word play, beer and sauruses into a fantastic fabric of perpetually renewed possibility drinking, spanking, mask-making and storytelling.
antronia providing cardboard boxen so that you can build a fort for your own inner child.
Playa Air Layover Lounge Breakfast by Jane Eric, evening airport lounge cocktail hour by Cap’n Pesky.
Loose Nuts gathers a jumbled collection of probably 50-60 wildly interactive individuals to bring life to the spaces between the other camps. Tom will bring back his shady rest and bar, offering drinks and massage. Downunderstan will drink with you, sing with you, spank you, but are not bringing the koalas this time. stu will be caffeinating the neighborhood. Come plot and scheme to take over the world at Surlystan and drink vast amounts of arabic coffee. Velvet and Ronnie will be sitting in a tree. Xan will be supervising activities involving kielbasa and pierogies. Zephryus will position his mobile DPW drink donation site within the friendly confines.
Whiskey and Whores Saloon
The Legendary Whiskey and Whores Saloon returns to inebriate, titillate and fascinate. We got whiskey, we got whores, what else do you want. For a redneck bar it is the coolest little speakeasy on the playa.
The name says it all. Get your whiskey. Join the whores. Dance on the bar. Be entertained. Be entertaining.
URL: decognito@bellsouth.netHometown: New Orleans, LAWhite Dragon Noodle Bar
Come to the noodle bar for noodles, movies and games.
URL: poe@slackworks.comHometown: Washington, DCWild Animal Sanctuary Space
Come to Wild Animal Sanctuary Space to howl at the moon and let loose your primal scream. Domestic or barnyard animals will be asked to demonstrate their wild nature or risk being eaten.
Contact: erin@cassandraq.comHometown: Berkeley, CAWinking Lotus
Winking Lotus, we’re the people behind the wink, the Burning Man theme camp with the golden stupa. Guided by our illustrious ringmaster, the Oracle of Teaz, we delight our guests with opulence and acts of unanticipated hospitality. In our slightly wry, but reverent, interpretation of a Southeast Asian temple (our golden stupa), we provide space for grounding and personal healing. Come relax with a warm cup of tea, receive guidance from the Oracle and his puppets, enjoy yoga, fire arts and musical performance, or dance like a sacred monkey to what might be the most hypnotic and high quality sound at Black Rock City.
URL: http://www.winkinglotus.comContact: clayton@mac.comHometown: San Jose, CAWOOmb
Our goal is to create a grounded, safe, sacred place within the fabulous chaos that is the BRC Playa. With minimal effort, we will support and empower our Tribe, and allow from for relaxation and photosynthesis.
We will be actively and creatively recharging our bodies and souls through yoga, meditation, music making, tea sharing, and storytelling. BRC citizens will be welcome into this space to interact on such a level with powerful art and visionaries; we seek to communicate with our tribe and explore the shift that is so necessary for our culture to make in order to evolve and survive.
World Domination Headquarters
We may provide a window to your origins…
…or to your end.
The Streets of Black Rock City will flow with the blood of the Non-Believers.