2005 Theme Camps

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Coming soon.


Yorgasmic – Orgasmic yoga. Every breath is a celebration of life and a joyous gathering in honor of Sharyn’s 40th year of Yorgasm!

URL: http://www.chatarea.com/fysche.m2824636Hometown: Venice, CA

You Are That Pig

You Are That Pig presents: Nightmares and Dreamscapes! Wander into our dreamland and share in our nightmares and fantasies. Have a nightcap in the Pigaloo (mmm, cold beer), or rest beneath origami cranes with a spot o’ tea, and record music in the world of Dream. Recline beneath the Tree of Drifting Thoughts in Nightmare, or shoot a game of playa pool at the bar…

URL: http://groups-beta.google.com/group/You-Are-That-Pig?hl=enHometown: San Mateo, CA