Do you really want to give something back to this community?
Recycle Camp is a hard working group of folks who are as committed to reducing waste as they are to having a good time. Founded in 1998, Recycle Camp is the place to take your aluminum cans on the Playa. Each year, the proceeds are donated to the Gerlach school! With volunteer opportunities pre-event to post-event, you can get your Recycle Camp-fu on all year long!
Pre-Event: Get involved by connecting with the key players at Recycle Camp. Things actually begin in December with budgets and camp plans. Any new ideas for the coming year need to be discussed early. We encourage everyone who is curious about Recycle Camp to contact us and find out what’s going on.
During the Event: Recycle Camp is one of the best and most rewarding places to volunteer in Black Rock City. This year we are pushing for more drop-in volunteers. Our core team needs you to help us to keep up with the growing population of Black Rock City. We need a ton of help to deal with the more than six tons of aluminum we collect and crush. We typically run two daily 4-hour shifts, Monday through Sunday, 9am to 1pm and 1pm to 5pm. Shift leads will be on hand to coordinate drop-in volunteers. If you’re thinking about volunteering at Recycle Camp please be prepared to get your hands a little dirty, yes, it’s juicy! Join us and put in some fun time making Black Rock City sustainable.
Post-Event: After the Temple burns, it’s time to break down camp and leave no trace. This is a rewarding process that sets an example to the rest of the community. It takes several days to reduce Recycle Camp to nothing, and pack it up so that we can reuse it next year. Care to lend a hand? We’d love to have you! Stop by!
If you’re up to the challenge, or if you have any questions about any of this, email or fill out a Volunteer Questionnaire and sign up today.